Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Non Caloric Sweeteners - Market Trends and Insights, New Report Launched

Non Caloric Sweeteners - Market Trends and Insights

A comprehensive review of current and future non caloric sweeteners ingredients. The report investigates sweetener consumption drivers, ingredient industry players, soft drink sweetener consumptions and trends. Status with specific focus on global soft drink consumption patterns and influential global or regional brands. The report overviews the soft drink consumption patterns as well as describes individual sweetener ingredients by their usage, manufacturing and regulatory situations.

Key Findings
  • Amongst non-caloric sweeteners Aspartame is on a decline by losing minus 0.9 % growth annually in the global market within the coming three years.
  • The highest growth, as well as significant volumes, is observed in Acesulfame K and Sucralose within soft drinks; whereas Stevia Sweeteners still have some way before becoming mainstream.
  • Sugared soft drinks still have the overhand in terms of consumption volumes, with XX million tons sugars consumed in 2013. In comparison the non-caloric sweeteners in soft drinks represents only XX million tons or XX% of the total global soft drinks consumptions of sugar equivalents by weight (SEW).
  • Synthetic sweeteners Ace-K and Sucralose are still the preferred choice in new soft drink innovations Aspartame is losing out and Steviosides are gaining more ground. The opportunities to focus on in soft drinks are ice teas, hydrating sports drinks, fruit powders, and functional drinks.
  • Soft Drinks manufacturers are facing demands for soft drinks with reduced sugar per serving in most markets. Sugar reduction is a major activitybut not always one for one sugar equivalent to be replaced with non-caloric sweeteners. Types of sweeteners used have become more diverse and have forced brands owners to gain formulation and price point expertise in many different non-caloric sweetener systems.
  • The sweetener industry is actively gearing towards consolidating global market positions, as well as having diverse new business investments in new non-caloric sweeteners.
  • With the very volatile and dynamic market of non-caloric sweeteners, the activity of patent filings is an important tool for long term protection of investments.
  • Carbonated sodas are by far the largest market for non-caloric sweeteners, followed by powdered drinks, ice teas, and RTD sports drinks
  • Geographical differences in sweetener choices are related to regulatory, traditional, and cost pricing issues.

Demand for sweeteners is expected to continue its steady growth as a result of increased focus on sugar calories in more and more markets. The sweetener industry is up for dynamic changes, as currently a number of new options are available after years of relative stable ingredient assortments. The fact that a number of these sweeteners are from plant-derived sources is aligned with the current consumer trend toward all things natural, and this can only mean a positive future for these ingredient types. Many factors influence future non-caloric sweetener consumption globally, amongst the key factors are: consumer attitudes and beliefs, global and regional soft drink brands expanding into new markets, product innovation, supply capacity and prices, and regulatory restrictions and opportunities. Consumption patterns within soft drink categories are changing and affecting the demand situations of sweeteners, as well as sugar reduction drivers such as taxation, ingredient prices and capacities, and formulation capabilities.

Reasons to Buy
  • Insight into current and future consumption patterns of soft drink non-caloric sweeteners
  • Insight into consumption of non-caloric sweeteners in various soft drink categories and future demand potentials 
  • Insights into consumers beliefs on sweeteners
  • Being able to assess formulation and supplier strategies influencing formulation choices
  • Learn about market leading ingredients characteristics, leading manufacturers and regulatory conditions
  • Understand product formulation and labelling opportunities
  • Future prospect non-caloric sweeteners recently introduced or being researched

Spanning over 170 pages, “Non Caloric Sweeteners - Market Trends and Insights” report covering the  Introduction, Executive Summary, Introduction to Non Caloric Sweeteners, Industry, Brands Containing Non-Caloric Sweeteners, Acesulfame Potassium, Aspartame, Cyclamates, Erythritol, Glycyrrhizin, Isomalt, Lactitol, Maltitol, Mannitol, Mogroside V, Neohesperidine DC, Neotame, Stevia Sweeteners, Saccharin, Sorbitol, Sucralose, Xylitol, Other Sweeteners Holding Future Potential, Appendix, Glossary, Key Sources, Science References. The report covered companies are - Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Kraft Foods, Nestle, PepsiCo, Suntory, Unilever, Uni-President, Wahaha

Know more about this report athttp://mrr.cm/ZEw

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