Monday, 3 March 2014

India Quarterly Beverage Tracker Report Q4 2013, New Report Launched

India Quarterly Beverage Tracker Report Q4 2013

This Quarterly Beverage Tracker report provides a detailed analysis of the latest developments in the India beverage market

Introduction and Landscape

Why was the report written?
In the current climate of economic uncertainty and market volatility companies need to know about more than just data. This report provides a complete overview of all commercial beverage consumption trends, latest market developments and an economic mood indicator

What is the current market landscape and what is changing?
With elections due in the next few months and fuel and vegetable prices continuing to drive inflation, consumer confidence remains weak.

What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?
Indian beverage categories are traditionally vulnerable to monsoon swings and price rises. However, due to growth in SKUs, increased brand penetration and more consumption occasions, soft drinks and ACB categories have grown significantly in the last few years.

What makes this report unique and essential to read?
Designed for clients who want to understand the latest trends in the India beverage industry and want more detail and analysis on this data. Publisher's India Quarterly Beverage Tracker report is ideal for benchmarking total market vs retail audit data and is an essential tool for keeping up-to-date with the latest industry and market developments

Key Features and Benefits
  • Readers are provided with a summary snap shot table showing category growth in Q42013vsQ42012, together with provisional 2013 volumes and latest 2014 forecasts
  • An economic mood indicator, completed by Publisher's local consultant, examines (on a scale of one to five) whether confidence levels in the industry are better or worse than the previous quarter, whether net prices are rising or falling and how Private Label products have performed versus the rest of the market. Selected retail pricing data is given for the most recent quarter and the previous four quarters, enabling analysis of price movements.
  • Key highlights of the last quarter's commercial beverage performance are identified and the key market drivers examined
  • Volumes for Q42013vs Q42012, Provisional 2013 volumes, moving annual totals (MAT) and latest 2014 forecasts are provided for each individual beverage category, together with supporting text on quarterly performance and forecast assumptions. More granular data is provided for the Carbonates category, with data split by regular vs low calorie, and by key flavours.

Key Market Issues
  • The Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has also added to the regulatory burden on beverage companies since 2011. Indeed, new legislation now requires companies to report on pesticide residue and adhere to rules on packaging labels.
  • The economic downturn in 2013 has proven difficult for companies, with many now forced to resort to alternative strategies, including looking again at prices, product innovation and product migration
  • Private Label products were affected by a lack of new product introductions in 2013 and the closure of profitable modern retail stores.

Key Highlights
  • The packaged water category increased by around 20% during Q4-13, with the unbranded segment growing by between 25% and 30% and brands increasing by between 10% and 15%. Unbranded or regional brands are growing faster than leading or national brands due to higher prices for the latter
  • A good monsoon season has increased the supply of milk during the peak production period in Q4. An increase of 4% has, therefore, been recorded in Q4-13
  • The hot coffee category increased by 4% in Q4-13 , café culture has boosted consumption of hot coffee, particularly high income groups. This can be seen in the rise of specialty retail coffee shops, such as Starbucks and Café coffee day.

Spanning over 19 pages And 8 Tables “India Quarterly Beverage Tracker Report Q4 2013” report provide Quarterly Performance And Latest Forecast, Highlights , Market Drivers, Market Trends, Soft Drinks, Alcoholic Drinks, Dairy Drinks, Hot Beverages.

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