Thursday, 31 July 2014

The Impact and Influence of CSR Policy on the FMCG Industry, New Report Launched

The Impact and Influence of CSR Policy on the FMCG Industry

“Global Executives Survey: The Impact and Influence of CSR Policy on the FMCG Industry” is a new report by Publisher that globally analyzes industry opinions on the significance of corporate and social responsibility (CSR) policy and key challenges encountered in implementing CSR within their organizations. This report also examines ethical and environmental issues confronted by the organizations to set their objectives and strategies. Furthermore, the report analyzes the key factors responsible to consumer skepticism over environmental and ethical claims, and highlights the CSR activities actively engaged by the organizations.”

Key Findings
  • Overall, 33% of respondents from the FMCG industry highlighted 'reducing and eliminating water pollution' as the key issue for their organization to set up their objectives and strategies.
  • Respondents state that a 'good CSR policy can lead to improved corporate image'
  • Executives agree that it is more important to be transparent to customers about CSR than five years ago
  • Additional costs involved in implementation is the pressing concern for companies investing more in CSR policy

This report is the result of an extensive survey drawn from Publisher's exclusive panel of leading global FMCG industry executives. The report analyzes significance of corporate and social responsibility (CSR) policy and key challenges encountered in implementing CSR within their organizations.

In particular, it provides an in-depth analysis of the following:
Key objectives for next three years: analyzes the key objectives of FMCG companies to be implemented over the next three years.
  • Environmental and ethical issues: explains the importance of environmental and ethical issues to the organizations when it comes to setting objectives and strategies.
  • Importance of a CSR Policy: determines the importance of a CSR policy from both organizational and consumer perspective.
  • Key barriers to invest on a CSR policy: tracks the pressing concerns faced by the organizations to invest more on a CSR policy, from both organizational and consumer perspective.
  • Reasons for consumer skepticism: identifies the important causes for consumer skepticism towards ethical and environmental claims amongst organizations.
  • Key duties engaged by the organizations: ascertains the key CSR duties actively engaged by the companies from FMCG industry.

Reasons to Buy
  • The report projects the significance of CSR policy within the FMCG industry, and allows readers to make effective business decisions
  • The report assists readers to take strategic decisions by understanding the importance of ethical and environmental issues while setting up their objectives and strategies
  • FMCG industry executives will be provided with a clear uncovering of the key challenges faced by the organizations to invest more in a CSR policy
  • The report highlights the key factors responsible for consumer skepticism towards ethical and environmental claims amongst organizations
  • The report helps FMCG industry executives to understand the change in consumer behavior towards CSR policy over the next three years

Spanning Over 56 pages, Global Executives Survey: The Impact and Influence of CSR Policy on the FMCG Industryreport covering the Although organizations recognize the importance of ethical and environmental issues and the majority of them have a CSR policy, CSR is not at the forefront of business objectives, Organizations within FMCG industry value the benefits associated with a good CSR policy, however they need to overcome challenges to implement the same, Organizations view CSR as a prominent issue over the next three years. Greater transparency is considered key to avoid consumer skepticism about CSR policies. The report covered 3 companies - McDonald, Snoqualmie Winery, PepsiCo Deutschland

See Table of contents & Purchase this publication at: -

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